Niño héroe de solo 7 años salva a 1200 perros que iban a ser sacrificados

Por Jesús de León – La Gran Época
14 de octubre de 2018 12:30 PM Actualizado: 14 de octubre de 2018 1:31 PM

Roman McConn es un niño estadounidense que en el 2015 cuando tenía cuatro años, después de visitar un refugio de animales en Texas donde adoptó a su perrita, quedó conmovido por la cantidad de perros que había solos y que podían ser sacrificados.

Desde ese momento, junto a su madre Jennifer McConn, dieron forma a la iniciativa Freedom Ride para ayudar a los perros que quedaron olvidados en diferentes refugios y que solo esperaban el momento de morir.

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We have a big announcement … we have rescued another kiddo to add to our family! Zion and his brother were taken from a breeder in poor condition. We had been in touch with a representative of Texas Sport Breed Rescue periodically about sport Breed dogs such as Labs that we learned of needing rescued from Texas Shelters. This same representative became very supportive as we said our goodbyes to our 14 year lab, Bubba this past March. After losing Bubba, 4 days later Ru (a deaf Heeler Mix pup who was struggling to find her right home) wound up needing us. After attempting a 3rd home and it not working we accepted her choosing of Roman for her human and happily made her permanent ❤ About a month ago Zion and his brother’s photo was shared with us. It was instant!!! It was Bubba 2.0. The more we chatted with Zion’s foster the more affirmation we got. Soooo many similarities it was scary! After the application and much consideration on the Texas rescue’s part we were finally approved 🙌🏼 We spent 21 1/2 hours traveling to get this guy; 6am Saturday to 330am Sunday. And as fate would have it today, Sunday October 7th is our first full day with Zion and it also would have been Bubba’s 15th birthday. How amazing!! We share this because so many offered their support as Bubba aged and offered their condolences when we said goodbye. We want people to know you can love again. When the time is right another furkid will speak to your heart. We also share this for all of those who say rescues and shelters are “just problem dogs and mutts”. That is just NOT true! Welcome Zion! If you are at all considering adopting we have so many amazing kiddos through our direct adoption program.

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Roman se hizo viralmente conocido en los últimos días, porque con su muy corta edad, ya salvó más de 1200 perros con un promedio de 50 por mes durante estos dos últimos años.

El objetivo de esta familia es recaudar fondos para los perros de los refugios, a los que también pone en contacto con adoptantes.

Lo primero que hicieron fue poner en marcha una campaña en redes sociales para facilitar el contacto entre los refugios y las familias adoptantes. Ellos suben videos a Internet donde el propio Roman explica con sus palabras las razas de perros, la edad y por qué deberían adoptarlos.

También comparte fotos de los perros en su nuevos hogares junto a las familias adoptivas.

(Uno de los perros rescatados, llamado Blue, y luego adoptado por Daisy)

Además, Roman convenció a sus padres de adoptar a 31 perros cuando se mudaron de Texas a Washignton, desde donde continuó con su objetivo de rescate.

Por si fuera poco, McConn se encarga personalmente de trasladar a los animales hasta sus nuevos hogares.

Algunos de sus videos son muy emotivos cuando trata de explicar desde el fondo de su corazón infantil la urgencia por adoptar a determinado cachorro.

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She’s BACK 😢🐾💔 To opted to visit The Skagit Valley Humane Society today and by freak chance we learned Rosalinda was back!!! Poor girl!! She’s now a year and a half and again looking for her true forever family. Previous family says she’s timid around men and did take a little bit to warm up to Ro again but once she did it was on like Donkey Kong. Previous home said she was nippy but what we experienced today was she’s mouthy. She nibbles on your hand but definitely nothing that breaks skins at all. With us now owning two Heeler mixes it reminds us of a Chihuahua version of their mouthiness. Please help us find this girl her true forever home… she’s such a cute girl and definitely has her biggest advocate in Ro! Contact the Humane Society of Skagit Valley for adoption info and process. #ForeverHomeForRosalinda #AdoptDontShop #ProjectFreedomRide #RomansRescues #SkagitValleyHumaneSociety

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En unos de sus últimos videos compartidos, Roman pide ayuda para convertir el mensaje de adopción en viral: “Como PFR solo hemos podido salvar a 2 perros del Refugio Augusta desde que estuvimos aquí. Queremos desesperadamente que Luke sea el número 3, pero necesitamos tu ayuda”, reclamó Roman.

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